Wednesday 18 February 2015

Mobile update

i wish if i can update online at home using my laptop. but i could not do that coz kat rmah xde line internet... pasrahnye hati...

Saturday 22 November 2014

Sorry for not attending the class

I'm sorry that I could not attend the class 4 times.
1. have to fetch up my sister
2. Trip to Japan
3. Trip to Cameron Highland
4. Trip to Singapore

For last class on 6 Dec 2014, definitely I will attend the class.

Saturday 8 November 2014

A letter to respond to complain

Dear Ms. Sophia,

Thank you for your message and we are sorry for the unfortunate mistake that was made.

It is clearly understand that this occasion was a mistake on our side.  We will investigate further of this matter.  Further action will be taken to Ms. Sandra Wong by sending a warning letter and send her to a communication training as to improve and treat our customers better.

We are sorry for this unfortunate mistake and can assure you that  a similar incident will not happen again.  Thank you for being loyal to us and hope for your continuance in supporting us.


My solo trip to Japan

Dream come true and determine to discover is the right word for me.  I went to Japan without a clear itinerary.  Reading few blogs just to have a clear picture on what will happen and aiming where to go.  However, when I arrived. All the reading has blown away. The next day, I asked myself 'Do I have to stay in the room?' Then, I just start my travel without itinerary.
My itinerary
Day 1 (Saturday)
Arrived at 8.20am, walk around Nagoya till 2pm, riding shinkansen to Osaka till 4pm and sleep till night.
Day 2 (Sunday)
Went to Namba Information Center, bought Osaka station and they advised to go for a trip to Nara and Kobe.
Then I know that Japan is having their weekend is on Monday and Tuesday. 
I decided to go to Nara and Osaka on Day 2.
Day 3 (Monday)
I went to Kobe
Day 4 and Day 5 (Tuesday and Wednesday)
I went around Osaka using the 2-days pass.  Some of the places were closed.
Day 6 (Thursday)
Wandering around Osaka.
and night bus to Nagoya
Day 7 (Friday)
Wandering around Nagoya
Day 8 (Saturday)
Depart at 9am is so nice. You can use it to impress yourself. You don't have to be creative to show yourself.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Ramainye rakan2 ku bernikah within this three months.  Congratulations for them.  Wish for me in nearest time too... Amin...

Bulan April

21.4.2012 - NurAizura Mohd Daud

6.5.2012 - Juma (ibu saudaraku)

12.5.2012 - Erina Md Hanafiah

13.5.2012 - Menyambut menantu Juma di Jengka

2.6.2012 - Wan Norul Ain Wan Mazlan

My vacation to China

In December 2013, I went to China with my family and a friend.  It is a week vacation where we went to Hong Kong, Shenzen and Guangzhou.

My friend and I have planned the trip one (1) year earlier in 2012 where we bought the ticket in December 2012.  She knows that i am kind of person that like to travel, therefore she invited me to join her with her sister to go for a vacation.  During that month, I did not tell yet my family that I want to go for a vacation. I kept the secret for 6 months.

One day our family had a conversation regarding a friend's vacation to China.  That is the point where I should tell them that im going for a trip to China in December.  They had a discussion and they wanted to follow the trip. Then, here we are at the airport.